
Posts Tagged ‘Christmas Card’

Christmas Wishes and reasons for not adding posts for a while!!

I know that it is such a very very looooooong time since I was able to post on my blogs and am amazed it really has been ages since my last post here.

The reasons for this are as follows (which I have also copied to my So That’s Where I Get It From blog).

Due to illness in the family and later a sudden change with things in September I really have not had the time to be able to devote to any family history research or this blog or much of anything else!!

I apologise to those of you who have been popping in to see something new but found it just the same as months ago.  I just hope you will come and visit again.

Since September we have been looking after my (then) 100 year old Auntie Lucy (she is now 101 years old).  She lived on her own, was completely independent and able to do everything for herself.  She would go to her art group meetings twice a week and was still exhibiting her paintings in September.

Then she had a fall and was a bit unsteady on her feet as a result of that.  Her doctor told us that he thought she had had a little stroke.  So we took her home with us and have been looking after her ever since.  She has fluid on the lungs, and has had a couple of infections (all cleared up now), but she has become very very forgetful and unless kept an eye on, could easily hurt herself because she is now unaware of things like hot cooker rings, and will stick her fingers into a toaster while the bread is toasting and picks up red hot plates and bowls but does not realise they are so hot.  So although she likes to do her own breakfast and lunch, we have to watch her and make sure she does not hurt herself.  We cook dinner so she does not have to do any of that.

Anyway, it has become very obvious that she can no longer live on her own so she is staying with us on a permanent basis.  That means that we have to be alert 24/7 to make sure she is safe and comfortable and she tells us she is happy staying with us.

It has meant that we have even less time now to do the things we would normally do, which is why it has become such a long time since I posted to this blog.  Now we realise that Auntie Lucy will always be staying with us I am hoping to get our routines done in such a way so that I can at least have more time to be able to get back to this blog and some lovely family history research.

As it is now Christmas time I have made a little virtual Christmas card for my family and friends (haven’t had a lot of time to do real Christmas cards) and want to wish you all a very happy Christmas and a wonderful, happy, healthy, and successful New Year.

Digital Card made by me December 2011 - copyright 2011

 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you.  Hopefully I can get myself organised to get back to adding posts here on a regular basis soon.  🙂